DS Bennett
Wheat Varieties

DS Bennett

Wheat Varieties

DS Bennett has been approved for grower to grower seed sales.

Participating growers please download this form and return completed to Seednet via our post or email address (details on the form).

To check recent yield information for this variety in your region, please refer to NVT Long Term Yield Reporter
To check recent disease information for this variety in your region, create an account on the NVT website and refer to the NVT Variety Profile Comparison Tool.


  • High yielding awnless winter wheat
  • ASW classification in VIC, southern NSW and SA
  • Ideal for graze and grain production
  • Suitable for sowing from mid March

End point royalty (GST exclusive)

$4.25 per tonne


ASW in southern NSW, Victoria and South Australia

Regional suitability

Long growing season regions of southern Australia plus early sowing and cereal fodder opportunities


Growers are requested to read and agree to the Seednet Variety License prior to purchasing Seednet varieties.