Soybean Varieties


Soybean Varieties
  • Suitable for southern regions, from Murrumbidgee River NSW to northern Victoria
  • Relatively late maturing so needs to be planted early in the southern sowing window (before end of November)
  • Compact plant structure, clean leaf drop and good standability
  • Excellent grain quality with clear hilum, large seed size and high protein content


Burrinjuck soybean crop February 2021

End point royalty (GST exclusive)

$6.00 per tonne


Human consumption soybean

Regional suitability

Murrumbidgee River to northern Victoria


Burrinjuck seed is available from:

Greenline Farming - Coleambally, NSW
David Bellarto  0428 544 582


Growers are requested to read and agree to the Burrinjuck Grower License prior to purchasing this variety